Sunday, March 5, 2023

New PNG tubes

 Hello everyone,

I have a small blog update tonight. I spent the afternoon getting some

cute fairy's edited and cleaned up. I have added them to my fotki. The link is on the right.

I also got a few new Saint Patrick's one done too. I experimented with watercolors and sublimination. I 

think they came out good but they were really hard to turn into transparent backgrounds 

because the app I use to remove backgrounds left a lot of white pixels behind. I got them edited 

 as best I can. I still have a couple to do but I'm giving my eyes a break for a few days before tackling 

them. This morning I generated a few new graphics. I'll have some adorable baby chibi

turtles to share tomorrow. I'm quite impressed how they came out. anyways here's a sample of the ones

at fotki tonight. right click to enlarge then save

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